Jewish Holidays

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Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays in
  • Fear of Elul
    Right now, faced with the prospect of having to turn my life and my emotions upside down, I go into a panic that results in total spiritual paralysis. Fear of Elul.
  • 1. The Mitzva and its Meaning
    Starting from the night of the omer harvest, there is a mitzva to count 49 days, which are seven weeks. This is known as sefirat ha-omer, counting the omer.
  • 18. The Proper Time for Birkat Ha-levana
    Many Rishonim maintain that the time for reciting Birkat Ha-levana begins on the first day the moon is visible. Several poskim, however, posit that it is preferable to wait until the moon grows somewhat, when it is possible to benefit from its light.
  • Checking the Simanim for Rosh Hashanah
    The right way to check the Simanim of Rosh Hshana, to make sure there are no bugs in our food.
  • Elul
    There was a time, not so far distant in the past, that it was said in Eastern Europe, that even the fish in the rivers trembled when they heard the announcement that the month of Elul had arrived. That certainly is not the case today.
  • How Can We Take Advantage of Elul?
    How can we take advantage of Elul and not "fall" into the High Holidays each year?
  • Our Generation's "Teshuva From Love"
    Why will this special Messianic generation, of all generations, be in such a sorry spiritual and material state? Logically when Israel improves its ways, they will be worthy of Redemption – so why will it actually be a period of spiritual crisis and other troubles?
  • National (vs. Individual) T'Shuva
    What "national t'shuva" is, how it differs from individual t'shuva, and why it takes precedence in this generation.
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